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Blessed Be and Happy Samhain Eve, all!

Welcome to Pagans Social, a new experience for Pagans everywhere. This post is our first official statement! This site is something that, if you'll excuse the pun, has been brewing in the background for a little while. I would like to officially take this time to welcome you personally, and thank you for your use of the site.

I'd like to take a little time to discuss some of the wonderful features offered here. We have a variety of forums for different discussion topics, so please check those out. We have galleries for sharing images and artwork, including handcrafted items. There are blogs for those who enjoy blogging or to have an online journal for your thoughts. Additionally, there is a Clubs feature, allowing you to create public or private areas for whatever topics you may wish to create a special area for. We find these especially useful for groups such as covens and groves, who may not want to have to deal with hosting their own websites.

So please feel free to explore all of our features. If you find you need help, please leave a message here. You'll find we also have a suggestions board, which can be found here.

Once again, I extend my sincere gratitude to you all. Merry met, and Blessed Be.


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